
Hello and welcome on my personal website, C-P Projects. My name is Cédric Patchane and I'm currently an engineer student in the last year at ESIROI Computer and Telecommunications speciality on mobility at TELECOM Bretagne (Plouzané, Brittany) in "Sofware systems and networks" speciality.

This website will allow me to show my projects and the passion that I have for computer sciences, particularly in development (Web and software), multimedia and infographics. Infographics (image, video and 3D) aren't included in my formation but is a part of my hobbies.

Passionate, I don't hesitate to work on my own, alongside my studies, about techologies which are not necessarily introduced in my formation in order to develop my skills and to do my utmost during professional and personal projects.

So here, I will put, in the Portfolio part, my professional projects but also my personal creations. And I hope you will enjoy your visit on my website.
P.S.: I am currently looking for an end-of-studies internship in web / software development.

Cédric Patchane

A little overview

  • Web development
  • Mobile development
  • 3D Personal project Junior Univ'r

What's new on my website?

Addition of my CodeSchool profil. Homepage slidershow update. Homepage, resume and portfolio minor updates.

Resume and portfolio updates.

Addition of my profile on the home page.

Portfolio part now available.

Addition of flag buttons for the language choice (French or English).

Addition of control buttons to the slideshow.

Slideshow now made completely in Javascript (jQuery before). Addition of a timebar to the slideshow.

Online publishing of C-Patchane Projects.

Contact page now working. Site completely responsive design.

Home page, CV page and contact page are now responsive. Global optimisations.

Addition of favorite links on the home page.

Addition of the CV page.

Begin of the portfolio realisation and her différent parts.

Addition of the contact page.

Beginning of C-P Projets. Introduction of the navigation bar and the home page.

My favorite links